
为了获得这个过程的鸟瞰图,我将Michael汉语带到今天的展会上。他是面包店科学经理Campden Bri.是一家与全球烘焙行业合作的基于会员的组织,以帮助问题解决成分和产品,回答烘焙科学背后的问题。


So what is the Chorleywood process?

Michael explains the key components of this quick-time dough that relies on the mechanical development of gluten. The dough is mixed not to a certain time, but to a certain energy input. A few things we discuss are:

  • Why is flour type so important to this process?
  • 为什么它依赖于特殊类型的混音器?
  • Do dough conditioners need to be used?
  • 你可以用它来做各种面包吗?
  • 什么是新的进步?

While this method of baking may not be used much around the world, it does offer some interesting points of discussion and insight science behind dough and mixing. So get ready to learn something new!